To access it simply head to, go to your profile page and then find the "View Stats" - click it, and then look for the "Checklist" link. You may not know this, but there is a 100% completion checklist at the Rockstar Social Club that automatically shows you how far away from 100% you are, and also what outstanding missions/things you'll need to do in order to get there. Under the Bridge Aerial Challenge Locations Guide.Truffade Adder (Bugatti Veyron) or Other Supercar.Spaceship Parts Guide for Space Docker / Alien Car.No Wanted Level – Enter Fort Zancudo & Elsewhere.No Resistance at Military Base or Prison.Lifetime Discount at Ammu-nation Stores.Lifeinvader Stalking Discounts & Freebies.Leaving Engine Running and Headlights On.Infernus and Coil Voltic – Easy Spawn Location.Fun with the Cable Car and Mountain Bikes.

Easy Out Of Your Depth Achievement/Trophy.Cost/Benefit Analysis of Purchasable Properties/Businesses.Clean Cars Using Fire Truck Watter Cannon.Benefits of Franklin’s Special Driving Ability.Armored Trucks Robbery with No Wanted Level.